How to Arrange a Funeral

A funeral guide for comfort during unsettling times

How to Arrange a Funeral

               Arranging a funeral is one of the toughest tasks people will ever have to do in their lives. Some people already have an idea of what they want for the funeral while others will have no idea This is where funeral directors come in to help. A funeral director in its most basic form is a personal helper who specialise in everything around the funeral. Whether you already know exactly what you want or have no idea on anything. Funeral directors are here to get everything and everyone in place for the tailored service of your requests.

               Once you and your family have selected the funeral directors you wish to us. There are a few aspects worth knowing before going to see your funeral director. The first decision to make  if you are looking at a cremation or a burial for the funeral. Next is the location. However, if there is nowhere in mind then the funeral director will be able to recommend local crematoria and cemeteries. The next step is to register the death. This is done by calling the registrar’s of the area in which the death occurred e.g., Hampshire, surrey etc. They will give you an appointment to go in and see them. The Registrars will inform you of the necessary documentation you will need. After the registration has taken place, they will forward the documentation onto your funeral director.

               With the registration complete next is arranging a date for the funeral. Arrange to meet with the funeral director who will take you through all the aspects of arranging a funeral. Expect to be asked questions from the funeral director regarding the funeral that you didn’t even consider. Do not worry this is a perfectly normal occurrence and at this stage is just things to consider. The funeral director will be able to go through everything with you and help you and your family answer all of the questions and sign all of the paperwork needed in order for the funeral to take place.

               After the arrangement has taken place, you will meet up with the person taking the service, whether this be a person of you and your families choosing or a person that the funeral director has recommended for you. In the meeting with the person taking the service this is where the arrangement for the content of the service will take place. The funeral director will arrange everything in order to make sure everything and everyone comes to place at the right time and date. However, the content of the service is arranged by the person taking the service with yourself and your family. They will help guide you and your family with the  music, eulogy, and words to be said.

Reduce the worry for loved ones with a pre-paid funeral plan through our plan provider, Ecclesiastical Planning Services
Contact us if you would like to discuss how we can help you with the funeral arrangements.
Matthew Mears
Funeral Director based in Farnborough